
Testing ThinkingSphinx with Test::Unit and Transactional Fixtures

February 13, 2010     

I first started using Sphinx about a year ago. At The Auteurs we use it to solve some thorny localization and filtering issues, and we have been pushing its limits almost since the beginning. Our film index in particular is quite complex, hitting ten tables and defining two dozen attributes. I’ve been impressed with how flexible it is with a pretty basic set of primitives. But one thing that never had an obvious solution was testing. I just finished the third revision on our test harnesses, and I thought I’d share my approach because it runs a bit contrary to the current zeitgest in Ruby testing circles.

Integration vs Unit Testing

I’m a big believer in integration testing, and when we first setup Sphinx we really wanted to test it end-to-end. Our first two harnesses reflected this approach. We ended up with a fairly elegant method to start and stop sphinx on classes that needed it. This gave us good test coverage, but eventually cracks started to show. We already needed to speed up our tests as I outlined a couple weeks ago, and integrated Sphinx support was one of the worst offenders:

  • Startup time for sphinx is on the order of a couple seconds, this adds up over multiple tests
  • Indexing time is also significant, and it adds up even faster if you reindex for every individual test
  • We’re regularly adding new models to be indexed by Sphinx which is magnifying these sources of overhead
  • Our indexes are getting more complex, which means exercising them well at the integration level is too slow
  • Rails foxy fixtures create sparse ids which Sphinx is not in love with
  • Even worse, if the ID overflows Sphinx internal key size (which I think depends on whether it is compiled as 32 or 64-bit) then those records are silently dropped.
  • We rely on transactional fixtures for performance reasons, which are not efficient to turn off on a case by case basis to solve the previous problems

Designing Sphinx Tests for Performance

Clearly Sphinx can be quite complex and good test coverage is critical. But what constitutes ‘good’? The meat of Sphinx is simply querying some efficiently indexed data. Verifying the results that ThinkingSphinx#search returns allows you to test that everything between the index definition and the query is working as expected. There are a lot of moving parts under there, so it’s reassuring to have a solid sanity check that your indexes are doing what you think they’re doing.

Given that Sphinx is a high performance fulltext search, there’s no reason you can’t run a lot of tests quickly. I decided that for the health of our test suite and testing discipline to stub out Sphinx in all our tests, and move the Sphinx tests into its own suite of highly efficient tests covering the actual indexes. In the end we lose a bit of regression coverage over the actual Sphinx calls in the application, but that is a comparatively small surface area for potential problems in exchange to encouraging better testing of the complex part, plus it’s not likely to be subtly broken by some distant change and if breakage does make it to production exception notification has our back.

Step One: New Test Suite

In order to isolate these tests from fixtures and minimize startup overhead, I moved all Sphinx tests to test/sphinx and wrote this Rake task:

namespace :test do
  task :sphinx => 'ts:config_test' do
    puts "! Starting Sphinx by rake"
    silence_stream(STDOUT){ Rake::Task["thinking_sphinx:start"].invoke }
      puts "! Stopping Sphinx by rake"
      silence_stream(STDOUT){ Rake::Task["thinking_sphinx:stop"].invoke }

  Rake::TestTask.new(:sphinx_without_daemon) do |t|
     t.libs << "test"
     t.pattern = 'test/sphinx/*'
     t.verbose = true

namespace :ts do
  task :config_test do
    ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = 'test' # This is a horrible sin against humanity, but it ensures that A) the test config is
                              # always up to date, B) doesn't require devs remembering to add RAILS_ENV=test when
                              # they call rake and C) doesn't incur a penalty of shelling out to 2nd env
    Rake::Task["environment"].invoke # This must be run after the test environment (as opposed to as a prereq) is
                                     # forced or sphinx gets the wrong env.
    puts "! Configuring Sphinx by rake"
    silence_stream(STDOUT){ Rake::Task["thinking_sphinx:configure"].invoke }

task "test" => ["test:sphinx"]

The main task here is test:sphinx which first ensures that the test config is up to date (by means of some fairly brutal methods as noted in the comments) and starts and stops Sphinx before running the actual tests.

Step Two: SphinxTestCase

To finish the optimization and make the test-writing experience smooth, a custom test case was required. The following has 3 purposes:

  • Start and stop Sphinx, but only if it’s not already started globally by Rake
  • TRUNCATE tables this test uses so that left over fixture remains get cleared and ids start at 1 again
  • Instantiate an set of test data, but only once per test class

The result:

class SphinxTestCase < ActiveSupport::TestCase
  cattr_accessor :sphinx_started_within_test_case

  class_inheritable_accessor :sphinx_tables_to_index

  def self.indexes_tables(*args)
    self.sphinx_tables_to_index = args.map(&:to_s).map(&:tableize)

  # We use inherited hook to define this only on the concrete test class otherwise the method gets called twice.
  def self.inherited(subclass)
    def subclass.suite(*args)
      mysuite = super
      def mysuite.run(*args)
        unless ThinkingSphinx.sphinx_running? # When running via rake we only start sphinxd once
          puts "! Starting Sphinx on per-test basis" # If running by rake and somehow sphinx doesn't start we should know about it
          silence_stream(STDOUT){ ThinkingSphinxTestHelper.start! }
          SphinxTestCase.sphinx_started_within_test_case = true


        if SphinxTestCase.sphinx_started_within_test_case
          print "\n! Stopping Sphinx on per-test basis"
          silence_stream(STDOUT){ ThinkingSphinxTestHelper.stop! }

  # Instance variables set here are automatically set on each individual test instance
  def self.setup_database(&block)
    @database_setup_block = block

  def setup_fixtures
    unless sphinx_tables_to_index.present?
      raise "Tables to be cleared must be defined using indexes_tables on the test class"

    @@sphinx_test_case_already_loaded ||= {}
    unless @@sphinx_test_case_already_loaded[self.class]
      sphinx_tables_to_index.each do |table|
        ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("TRUNCATE #{table}")
      db_setup_block = self.class.instance_variable_get(:@database_setup_block)
      raise "setup_database was not called for #{self.class}" unless db_setup_block
      @@sphinx_test_case_already_loaded[self.class] = true

    self.class.instance_variables.each do |ivar|
      self.instance_variable_set(ivar, self.class.instance_variable_get(ivar))

  def teardown_fixtures
    # Do nothing.

Test class methods

There are two class methods defined indexes_tables and setup_database that a SphinxTestCase uses to define its environment in lieu of fixtures. These methods respectively take a list of symbols ala standard Rails class methods and a block inserting a set of database rows.

Once-per-class hook

The self.inherited block is a bit hard to parse, but it’s essentially just a way to run something once per test class, similar to RSpec’s before(:all). It has to be called in the inherited callback because otherwise the super call ends up recursing and the code executes twice.

This idea was adapted from work by James Adam, thanks James!

Override fixtures setup

The setup_fixtures and teardown_fixtures are methods defined by ActiveSupport::TestCase. They are completely overriden here since there’s nothing efficient that can be done with transactional fixtures enabled anyway. Instead we just verify that some tables are specified, truncate them, setup the data, and index it. But this only happens once per test class, therefore we have to copy over the instance variables to provide the usual semantics.

Isn’t this data sharing A Bad Thing?

This design means that adding or deleting data within tests will be error prone since it can affect other tests. However for Sphinx you would need to reindex anyway, and because Sphinx is all about querying full datasets, it made sense to me to set up one big set of test data and then right multiple tests to query against it. The worst case is that you simply need to create a new test class to setup a new context, which personally is no less distasteful than contexts nested 3 or 4 levels deep.

Why not just truncate all tables?

That’s not a bad idea actually. Forgetting to specify tables tends to lead to bizarre duplicate key errors. However in our database we have 150 tables, so I decided to require selectivity. YMMV.

Wheres the code?

This seemed like too specific a use-case to release in any formal fashion, but let me know if you disagree.

Step 3: Write Your Tests

Here’s an example using FactoryGirl and Shoulda:

class UserSphinxTest < SphinxTestCase
  indexes_tables :users, :emails

  setup_database do
    @user  = Factory(:user, :first_name => "Will", :last_name => "Fulignoranz")
    @user2 = Factory(:user, :first_name => "Farmer", :last_name => "William")
    @user3 = Factory(:user, :first_name => "Bubby", :last_name => "")

  should "find will" do
    results = User.search('will')
    assert results.include?(@user)
    assert results.include?(@user2)
    assert ! results.include?(@user3)

  should "find ignorance" do
    assert_equal @user, User.search('fulignoranz').first

  should "not find the drummer" do
    assert_equal 0, User.search('friendly fred').size


19 tests, 36 assertions, finishes in 7 seconds, full test suite 20 seconds faster with +25 assertions and marginal cost for additional Sphinx tests is now negligible.


Andrew Assarattanakul says…
February 26, 2010 at 3:52AM

What does your ThinkingSphinxTestHelper look like? I tried duplicating this and ran into a road block when rails complained that the test helper didn’t exist.